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API Reference


Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the lke v1alpha1 API group

Resource Types


LKEClusterConfig is the Schema for the lkeclusterconfigs API.

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string LKEClusterConfig
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec LKEClusterConfigSpec
status LKEClusterConfigStatus


LKEClusterConfigSpec defines the desired state of an LKEClusterConfig resource.

Appears in: - LKEClusterConfig

Field Description Default Validation
region string Region is the geographical region where the LKE cluster will be provisioned. Required: {}
tokenSecretRef SecretRef TokenSecretRef references the Kubernetes secret that stores the Linode API token.
If not provided, then default token will be used.
Required: {}
highAvailability boolean HighAvailability specifies whether the LKE cluster should be configured for high
false Optional: {}
nodePools object (keys:string, values:LKENodePool) NodePools contains the specifications for each node pool within the LKE cluster. MinProperties: 1
Required: {}
kubernetesVersion string KubernetesVersion indicates the Kubernetes version of the LKE cluster. latest Optional: {}


LKEClusterConfigStatus defines the observed state of an LKEClusterConfig resource.

Appears in: - LKEClusterConfig

Field Description Default Validation
phase Phase Phase represents the current phase of the LKE cluster. Unknown Enum: [Active Deleting Error Provisioning Unknown Updating]
Optional: {}
clusterID integer ClusterID contains the ID of the provisioned LKE cluster. Optional: {}
nodePoolStatuses object (keys:string, values:NodePoolStatus) NodePoolStatuses contains the Status of the provisioned node pools within the LKE cluster. Optional: {}
failureMessage string FailureMessage contains an optional failure message for the LKE cluster. Optional: {}


LKENodePool represents a pool of nodes within the LKE cluster.

Appears in: - LKEClusterConfigSpec - NodePoolStatus

Field Description Default Validation
nodeCount integer NodeCount specifies the number of nodes in the node pool. Required: {}
linodeType string LinodeType specifies the Linode instance type for the nodes in the pool. Required: {}
autoscaler LKENodePoolAutoscaler Autoscaler specifies the autoscaling configuration for the node pool. Optional: {}


LKENodePoolAutoscaler represents the autoscaler configuration for a node pool.

Appears in: - LKENodePool

Field Description Default Validation
min integer Min specifies the minimum number of nodes in the pool. Maximum: 100
Minimum: 0
Required: {}
max integer Max specifies the maximum number of nodes in the pool. Maximum: 100
Minimum: 3
Required: {}



Appears in: - LKEClusterConfigStatus

Field Description Default Validation
id integer ID Optional: {}
details LKENodePool NodePoolDetails Required: {}


Underlying type: string

Validation: - Enum: [Active Deleting Error Provisioning Unknown Updating]

Appears in: - LKEClusterConfigStatus


SecretRef references a Kubernetes secret.

Appears in: - LKEClusterConfigSpec

Field Description Default Validation
namespace string
name string